Elite, 1-on-1 LSAT Coaching

Find out why students who work with an Apollo coach are 10x more likely to score 170+:


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The Apollo Difference


Elite Coaches

Our coaches have a median LSAT score of 177.

They’ve proven that they know the test inside and out, and are thoroughly trained in teaching our groundbreaking curriculum.


A Truly Personal Learning Experience

When you work with Apollo, you’re not just getting a tutor.

You’re getting a custom plan tailored to your specific needs and an experienced, full-time mentor that’s dedicated to your success, both on and off the clock.


Groundbreaking Curriculum

Designed to build iron-clad LSAT instincts from the ground up, our innovative curriculum has propelled hundreds of students to LSAT success.


Apollo by the Numbers

  • LSAT Score Improvement


    Average Student Score Improvement

  •  Median Coach LSAT Score


    Median Coach LSAT Score

  • 100% score improvement


    of Apollo Students See Score Improvements

What Students Are Saying